A Memories to Remember

Once upon A Time in …… I do not want to begin this Great, loving and Unforgettable Friendship Story with once upon A time but it is! There is nothing than Sweet Loving memories in life. Every body was talking about Friendship and Friends but I am not sure what is it? May be until my Death Time I will never get definition of Friendship and Friends! But I knew that Friendship is One Relationship without blood, its Strong and immortal Relation for life time! Friends were that relation of Emotional, Understanding, Feelings, and Immortal Relationship. However I said but still I am confused about Friendship and Friends so rather to live in the moments. In life, there are so many faces so many relations therefore we are facing every day every single moments many faces and we are familiar and get connected with some Peoples but I am sure every relationship does not goes to Friendship and all faced faces are not Friend bcoz I knew it is hard to get True, Honest, Immortal and soul mate Friend in life. There is something in every relationship but can not say it is Friendship or Friends……
Today when I try to remember it’s very hard to memories but when I was around 12 years I Loved to play football at Ground of Indra Rajye Laxmi School, Pokhara -16 with Friends then suddenly I saw a new boy who is fighting for his small Brother with some boys. He is Really New for us Bcoz we are kid but we knew all Boys and peoples at town. According to other we got he is new in town but his own house is just near the our mama’s house at Lamachour, He had lived in hostel at janakpur and he came to own town for live with Families.My Childhood Friends Ramesh, Rajesh and Other Boys just Encountered him that Day…..After That I can not Remember what’s going on there but I can Hardly Remembered that He was Really Great and Perfect Football Player in Our Team When we are Playing Football Game. We are lived in same Street and our house was also so closed but we never got so closed. May be we are child so we were not caring each other……The days were passing like seasons without giving chance…..
I have Big uncle’s son Dipak he was senior and bigger than us so They are heroes in Lamachour For social works , Deusi or Bhailo Programs so we are just flowed them to get Entertainment or feel big then I got that same guy who is Great Football Player is our Dipak brother’s friends…..it was really Great to see Him at our uncle’s Home and we had got some Introduction and got chance to got closed but still we have unknown stranger relationship bcoz of Dipak brother is biggest Than us so he was belonged to him so it was so hard to get friendship with him but Time and circumstance is the most Powerful Fate of Human….. I hardly remembered that after Our Great biggest Festival Deepawali Senior brothers and Sisters were made Plan to go picnic ……..it is hard to Remembered the Year even Age too! But we went to picnic and get Closer than Closer with the Person……..O! I forget to tell About Him. His Name is Raju…He was Living in Bhakti Path, lamachour, Pokhara and remarkable thing is He was so Great football Player and good Person as well as……….I have some Photos of the first Picnic of my life with raju…..it is so funniest and childhood photos bcoz of I was looking so kids in that photo…..one day I will published those photos bcoz of Those photos are in the Home so I could not do it. I have All Photos of That Picnic at Home where I was so kids and Dipak Brother, Raju,Dev, Binod, Ramesh, Rajesh and Many peoples were there….A sweet unforgettable Memories of Life! I was never thought that Relation goes to so long in life………
After My Grand Mother Died I left the mama’s House and I was came to lake side, Pokhara. I had lived in Lamachour with My mama and Grand Mother so after Grand Mother Dead My Mother felt it is Not to Live More there so I came to lake side. I had come to my Home but I had not felt well and felt comfortable so often I was going to Lamachour. Raju and Me were going close than closed …….when there was school vacation of school or holiday of school I was love to go lamachour and spent my Times with Friends Ramesh, Rajesh, Raju and Others .we loved to play football, marbles and some kids Game………life is unexpected so many things has happened …..It is really hard to remember that how did we have so closed in Relationship of Friendship but we were so closed and best friends. He was good football Player so we Played football in ground of Indra Rajye laxmi School,Lamachour then we loved to Chat in ground After Over the Game till the Night time…….Raju, Ramesh, Rajesh and me were so closed and good Friends so wherever Whenever we go we went together and having so much Fun and Entertainment. Our Friendship is growth very shortly and very Sooner than I could remember. Honestly, it is so hard to remember the Day of our starting relation of Friendship. Whatever Our Relation was Going so strong and strength as Friendship. When I was Grade 9 and 10 from that time our Relation goes to peak of the Friendship. We were happy and Enjoyed Ever Single Moments of Life and Friendship ……….I Love his Friendship!
After School life we really got connected so badly and Closely may be we have time after sent up Exam so….. I loved to live in His home and he love to Come my home and we love to spend time together as well as. Honestly, after School we were Teen age and Life was began so we were get Closed bcoz of we love to have fun with beers and girls so we got so Closed……..I had bike so we love to ride the Bike and go to many places for fun and entertainment. I was so crazy at that time bcoz of most of time I was spending his home. Raju and I got good Friendship and Friends so we love to Live together Every Time, Every moments. I love to Stay his Home so Most of time I had Spent his Home. Its give such a great Pleasure and Happiness to memories those moments now! I often go to my home only for change the Cloths or if I need money other time I was living in raju’s home, it was crazy! Still I can remember those Moments which we spent in our Friendship Past…….. All day raju and I Rounded the Pokhara Valley and Nite time we went to his Home and park the Bike at his home and Go to local Restaurants for beers and Some friends Gathering ……it was Awesome!!! I could not forget those memories in life. It is hard to write all Memoires and events but it was Awesome!!!! Awesome!!!
Our Friendship is so famous in Lamachour, Every body Knows we are so Close and Best Friends so Most of Peoples were connected for fun and Friendship with us. All Day Raju and I rounded the Pokhara some time lake side, begnas, fedi and Many Places …..When I got the time from my Job I just love to reach the lamachour and pick up Him and have fun somewhere in pokhara, it was our regular time killing moments in life. Some times we are just sitting the school Canteen Playing Carem Board or Some Games and Spending the time with Friends……if Raju was went some place he left the message for me so I can got him so easily and I was also doing same in my home but honestly my sister Never Like Him any more. According to sister he is not good Person and They Never liked His Attitude But I was the Best Childhood Friend of Him………same thing happened in lamachour, too! My mama and maiju does not Loved nor Liked him Any More Always They Scold me To break the Relationship with Raju…They said he is not Person so Leave His friendship and never Try to go His Home or His Company but I was against the mama and Maiju bcoz of I never Stayed and mama house while I was visited lamachour so I was stayed in Raju’s Home Every day if I was in Lamachour……. I can remember Every morning when I waked up and Just Tried to get fresh early Morning therefore I love to sit in the in front of Raju’s home with raju had tea…….every time I had to Encountered with My maiju o! O! God! It was really scary sometimes bcoz of maiju was Coming the way where Raju house was in…..and Every Morning same Story so she felt so bad when I had spent time with third Person House. I do not Know why But Most of Peoples Never appreciated our Friendship in life May Be there is something which part is out of my Mind! My Own Sisters, My own Mama Maiju and most of My Own blood relatives never felt Our Friendship is Perfect so they all hate when I meet Raju but Our Friendship is Truly friendship……
In My Life time I Had spent unforgettable moments with raju…….
along the my College life I had Cyber In Pokhara so we were Sitting in My Cyber most of times and we love to Spent Most of times in Restaurants for Entertainment and Fun so it was Gone well life…….He was so crazy friends Bcoz of if some Girls Liked Me he is the one who Love that girl…….may be it is not considers that which girl love or like me he just try to get that girl…..I Do not know why but he was like that……it was Really great relationship! When he got some information that Some girl like me or want me his mind goes to dirty and he want to make me far from the girl, I have many Memories in my Mind. There were So many girls who Liked me and Want to be mine that time raju flirt with them and some girls he got too! But I never Gone Seriously with Girls except some one so He got the all girls from My Track even I did not said anything to him …..He love My Someone girl too but He never got Her bcoz of the Someone Person Never Like Raju In Life……..I would like to request the someone person now that Please! Do Not Hate Him Any More Now! Please !!! Some time it was so funniest to know that the same girl in relationship with raju and wanted to me in her lap hehehe so funniest life! There are Some Girls whose liked me but Raju Just got them in His life but I never said anything him bcoz of I never look those girls in life but I was the person who encouraged him to Purposed and get Relation with Those girls for our Friendship……..He Really Supported My Someone’s Love. He was the one Person who really care my someone love in my absent at Lamachour so I could not say thanks too!
We loved to Visit the Restaurants In Lake side and had Fun every Day with All Friends but especially raju and me. We love to sit in restaurant and talk ….talk….talk and talk so we love to visit the restaurant of lake side, mahendrapool or begnas lake too……..we had spent such a unforgettable moments in life………sometime he was so sick and crazy too bcoz of we hired the car from city place to llamachour in the mid nite of the day after reached lamachour chowk we just scold and threaten the driver and driver run without taxi cost hahahaha ! It is his best idea to save money at the nite time! Honestly, Sometimes we had spent all our Money in Restaurant bill so there was not left even one rupee so his mind work like the crazy way!
I have not license of permission to ride the bike but I had bike so we love to ride the bike all town and when police stop our bike we never stopped our bike. Still I can remember, sometimes when we three Person riding in bike at the main City that Time Traffic Police tried to Stopped us but I never stopped the bike bcoz raju had sited the Last so He had covered the no Plate with his Shirt or bag. He Love to carry bike while we are travelling in Bike bcoz of we have to hide the No Plate of bike……I can remember, the Highest dangerous Time of Nepal is Maoist Problem Time…..At That Moment Everywhere was Police, Army and Traffic but we had never felt Scary even thought raju Involved Maoist for Somehow ……He had involved in Maoist But We Never felt Scary or Afraid in life……We were Riding bike from Lamachour to City Area without License …. There is one really interesting Story of the same Time that at the bridge of border of lamachour and Bagar called k. I Singh Pool there was tightly Security and Police or Army alert Every Time Even in Nite too…..But we Never felt scary……. We both does not had license but we are free to ride the bike…..It is very hard to believe but it is one of the unbelievable true story in my life…..there was Some Police and Army who knows us very well while we ride the bike from lamachour to City so we got automatically got Closed with them….. in one day I had doing up and down to lamachour more than 20 times so the police and army brother know us very well………. I used Full helmet while I w riding the bike but they can recognized me so easily bcoz of I had written /< @ /|/ C |-| U in my bike so they just stopped my bike and when I opened my helmet and said “ brother ! It is me!” then the Brother allowed to go me heheh so unbelievable! The Police brother never checked me in my life time …….. They can recognize my bike with the name of written in front side of bike so it was my luck and I knew they recognized my some one too! Bcoz of I was doing up and down many times in one day with my someone so they knew my someone as well as so when some times some one crossing the bridge without me they were asking “where is /, @ /\/ C \|-| U bike…………….every one know the name of bike! It was so pleased to know that every one knew that raju and I was good best friend in town……….
There is one Tragedy in our Friendship when raju and I was in good relation of friendship we lost ramesh and raju bcoz of they were busy at their job and Complicated Lives came in our Relation so Ramesh, Rajesh went to so far from us……they was there but it is so hard to be hang with them. Raju and me always together in our life…..it is another tragedy now I am single here without Him!
I can remembered, When raju came to my home in my absent he love to do many stupid things but do not know why? I knew one time he erase my college girl Friends Faces from my Photo Album and just make some ugly sign in those Photo…it was so fun but I never got anger with him for that activities in life. He was to love those kinds of activities in many ways but we never fought in life…… I could not forget in my life which moments I had spent with him……Never! When he was free he love to come lake side then we love to go boating and spend had fun in typical or Gurung Cottage Restaurant…..how could I Forget those memories from my mind? Every dasion we love to visit Every temples of pokhara and we love to go party Every time……There was one really especially Memoires with him in my mind that is every year in our great festival deepawali we love to play bhailo in his town….That was the most important memoires for me in life bcoz of That Bhailo memories give me so many unforgettable memoires in life. I can Remember Very Clearly that when bhailo is coming we were prepared for dancing and other events but I never danced in our programs….I am the person who handle everything in the bhailo program even I have to keep money and arrange the audio sound system and dancing schedule, too! It was greatest memories for me! When we are playing bhailo raju and I love to been there….all night we were played…Some times we drunk the beer at program and making so much fun at program. We are the one who made the program fantastic and super in all bhailo programs. I am the financial person who is sponsored everything in that our relationship so I had spent so much money in life…..I can not write and say more things about bhailo program bcoz of its give me so many especial person and memoires in my life is I just love to say without bhailo memoires my life will never completed! after bhailo we went to picnic…….I can remembered the picnic of Phedi Pokhara bcoz of that picnic was so great……I can remembered the one friend ramu……one of the my best friends but……. He had a drunk and he made really special memoires in my mind…….wherever I gone he followed me and jump in everywhere hehehe there was another group in same place where had my friends so I love to enjoyed at both side so I loved to visit their group so ramu followed me and he never seen the hole in the land or jungle in that place so when I jumped he just had blind jumped and……hahaha so nice! There was many memoires in life! I had been many more than 5 picnics with raju and my friends in my life and all of all picnics and programs are mind blowing so there is no more sad and bad feelings………..it was one of the most important memoires for me!
later he got the married ……I have been visit some girls house for his wedding but somewhere girls need her liberty somewhere raju need place so there was not fixed but Dulhaigaunda, Pokhara. We got Simple and Cute girl so we fixed the marriage….on the marriage day we had so much fun…wow! WoooooooW! It was really great marriage. I was the one person who handling everything in his marriage. I had done good job in his marriage program. We are so happy by his marriage life……we celebrated his marriage party and his birthday at his marriage day backward of his house. That was awesome party bcoz of us all Friends were there and we had fun unlimited……loud Sound! Wild Drinks! Awesome Dance and All Friends was there……He was so happy with his marriage bcoz of he had got nice n cute wife so that we are also happy with his life…they came in my house after marriage and I saw their love so I can felt they are happy and I have seen their love more! I Added One Photo here that photo had taken just that time when they visited my house after their marriage and we went to Fewa Lake for boating …..Check it!
After his married life also our friendship is in best position before than past bcoz of we all are so happy with his marriage life and his life. After his marriage also our friendship relation was same as well as. We are going For New Places to visit with other friends..We never stop to hang in our best places but there is something had changed that is responsibilities so we were not really careless…… I had been lived his Home and Enjoying with Families as well as! His Wife, sister is also so understanding so we had not any problem to do fun and masti life…….I can not forgot those memories when I felt tensed and left the bike in front of raju’s house and bhauju and raju park the bike in his house and make me feel I am in home! After his married life when I had started to built the house that time all my friends help me to build the house as well as so it is still not completed Hehehe! There are so many things to do in my new house! when I was build house that time he support me and he lived in my house and we together with other frens we made my new house……..there was also so fun and enjoy bcoz of after all day hard works we had been small families party and get together every nite so when I built house it was one most important memories…..
Life is not same all the time so it is going so ugly……No one is same in life. Time and circumstance is never been same in life……..after that we are busy at our life but we are meet sometimes in weeks bcoz of we have responsibilities as well as we growth big in life. Whatever gone in life but we were still best good friends and our friendship is going so well but we are not hanging like before! It was the life…in life there are so many stages so we cross the all stages and we entered the stage of families……when we were in teen aged stage it was awesome, fantastic, entertainment, full of love, full of masti and every step there is exciting but it was families stage so both of us were busy at job….I was involved in Tourism Sector and he had Joined GBS School Job so both of us are busy! I felt so sad when he left the football and totally involved in Job bcoz of he was Best Plyer and favorite Player at that period in Lamachour but later He left football…….it is really so sad News! When there was special and some occasion we meet and had so much fun ………now it was so rarely we are going each others house bcoz of busy life….But I can not forget one memories from my mind that is at the Holi Time he came to SAB Audio’n’ Video center and we Had So Much Fun at the typical Restaurant across the lake …….there was so rained but we had fun that time……….after that I could not meet raju in my life…….bcoz of after that I just left the My Job and SAB Audio’n’ Video Center and I came Maldives….I have an one bad Feelings in my life is that I could not meet when I came here…..That time I was in so rushed so I just leave the home without meet more of friends. That time I Just able to meet biren Ramesh and My families…….I could not meet Raju at that time so it is my bad feelings about myself in life……if I had meet him it was my last great Friendship but……fate had decided everything in life so I could not help myself !
My life was going with struggle at Maldives but I had Planed to see Raju in my first vacation and I had Dream to do some fun as we done before but………. Got the news He had admitted in Hospital From biren and kanchu….that time I was shocked! I never thought I will hear that news in life……but it was true! I had called Home and Some Friends but they told it is so serious case and perhaps raju will be no more! O! God! Is it life? When I got that news I was totally tensed here and I could not do any works at my job so I was really got shocked! He was admitted hospital for treatment but ppls said he will not more in his life bcoz of according to Other Friends and Ramesh he was in ICU and doing very big treatment……..I have not seen but when I call other Friends told me I got that his Lever is damaged and he had some more disease t the same time so it is hard to do treatment too! When I got this news my mind was totally dumped and hard to happy here myself so I just live alone……wherever whatever I did I just memories all memoires with raju…..those fun moments! Those fighting moments! The masti! The relation! Honestly, I just got mad bout our memories of past……..the all memory of past haunted in my eyes and mind so I could write this page……although I forgot this story from my mind but his death courage to write this our Friendship Story in life……
One day, I just got Raju died……
kanchu told me raju died but suddenly my Mother Grab the Phone and she said it is not true but Kanchu already told me true! She was just try to made me far from this bad news and she wanted to hide this news from me but I got from kanchu so it was unsuccessful act of mother then I asked seriously she said it is true and she want to hide it bcoz of every one knows raju and I is good childhood best Friend………there was no silence! I just cancelled the Phone call…..it’s shocked me! I could not believe it ….I was thought it was just one bad dream of my life but unfortunately it is true! I was got so shocked and hard to think some more …….when I got his death news I just feel I am so alone in the world and I can not got more friend like him in my life, it is true I will never got true honest and so closed friend like him in my life…….he was the Best friend in my short life story but it was past now so there is nothing more than one sweet, stupid and loving memories!
life teaches me very good lesson in my life since his death……I got so serious life after his death so I am so outsider now days bcoz of I lost Raju so there is no more interesting and miracle for me.i can not believe in any relationship ! There is just illusion and it is just god blessed to survive the life. I had Life living Quote in My life that is “LIVE IN THE MOMENTS NOT IN THE PRESENTS BCO OF NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WILL BE HAPPEN AFTER FEW SECOND” becomes true so it is really hard to trust every one in the universal so now I am really upset and fed up with all kind of relation but still try to get some good honest best friend like Raju in my life. Sometimes I am chatting and got some pals in chat or real life that time I just got scared it is true? My mind told me it is fake and just ignore it but My Heart not allow to do it so I am still looking Some Good, Understanding, Perfect, Loyal, Cute, Soul mate and Life time Friends as Raju But I knew that it is so hard to get A Friend like Raju But I am Not going to loose the Life and Hope any more!
Raju is My Best Childhood friend since Kids time…There was attached Most of memories with Him from My life……How can I forget that when every single peoples said Do not do friendship with raju even My Own Families Aunts and Friends that time I just ignored the All ppls ……….When I was in tragedy he was the one person who support to me…..when I had problem he is the one person who try to help me ……….In 24 Hours we had spent 20 hours together in past life……There is uncountable and unlimited memories in My mind which I could not share with my life any more! There was So many unforgettable and UN told story but I can not share it! I can just say that Raju is one of the best Person and Friends for me in my life time……..Ramesh , Rajesh, Dev and other Friends are also connected with me and they are also My Bet Childhood Fiends but I had pent much time with raju in life………Every Friends know it very well so I will never excuse to say Raju is y Best Childhood Friend of Mine………..I Will Never Forget from My Life…….I will be memory his single Memoires in Life……
I went Vacation on may 2009 and I had Planned and dream to spent such a unforgettable moments as we done before but he was not in among us so I just missed each single Minutes Raju in My Vacation but Honestly, I would like to say I could not go to see Sister, Mother, Bhaauju, Father Raju’s Home bcoz I had not courage and Heart to face Old Mother Father with 5 Years Small innocent Son and Bhauju so that Ramesh rajesh and I tried to go So Many times his Home But we got returned from the middle of the way as well as we went so it was again one my big mistake and it is such a My bad feelings myself! When I was in vacation I did not fun and made days as before with friends bcoz I just missed him so much so I just been with Families Members…..But One day I meet the Bhauju at Ramesh home while we were tried to go see her , she came to ramesh home so I got opportunity to see her and just talk for awhile and nothing more bcoz I could not talk more more and more as before I talk…..Every one know I am so talkative Person but that time I could not talk more than” How is ur life going bhauju?” She was also same………Life is Drama!
There are no more lives and feelings now in life. His death made me so rude and so entrusted peoples so now I am not going to trust any more in live……..where is trust its bring betrayed as well as and life will full of tears, pain and so it is so hard to trust someone in life! I know value of true friends very well but there are so many peoples who never thoughts friendship is life so I do not like to make more friends in life. Obviously! I love to meet new or best friends but is there any one as my best friend raju? After raju’s death I am processing the managed and re build the damage friendship and relation……it is my one target to re- build the bad and lost relationship again in my life so I am doing keep in touch with all my school, college, home and Internet friends hope I will get Success one day !
life is so illusion and it is really dramatically so anything will be happen or anything will be possible so do not waste ur life in the drugs ! life is so beautiful and it is precious gift of god to human so live it but never forget live in the moments, each moments not in the presents who knows what will be happen after read this article of raju? I would like to request every one who is reading this article that please, never do bad and animal Behave to others bcoz of we all are human …..Human have feelings, Heart, Pain and Hurt so just Do Behave as human not as Animal any more! If something can hurt u or give pain then feel its same to other bcoz of we are human! I will never forget My Childhood Best Friend in My life………wherever he is his soul will be rest in peace! Missing you So much! Love you raju!
Some Unforgettable Friends From Around the World
I am not sure but someone told me that "Life is Journey" its true so we peoples can go anywhere in this small world and we can meet many faces and peoples in the journey in the life, I had meet many peoples in my life but all those persons are not connected to me but whose connected to me those peoples are really nice person in My view. I can not explore why all friends are not forever ever for human being..........it is another question in my mind !we can meet for short time and we spend few lives and we got memories forever ever for life........The myth of life and relationship! whatever we spent those memories were forever for life this is the most myth thing for life. Still i am with some friends and some relatives but those are not for my entire life, i knew it! but i am happy with my mate and relatives! somewhere we can not handle and care all friends but we can just try !
I am writing some unforgettable Friends, those are are really nice person for me and we had good memory in our life, too. I a really happy to write about those Person in My Blogspot. I am sorry if i am doing some wrong in this blog........If You want to be Friend and want to know more about those my lovely Friends Please, Click those person photo to go their Facebook profile................................................................
Here are some Unforgettable Friends and Some Words About them Myself :)
At last, Friends Are Not forever ever !